FUTU HK Help Center-2278. HK Cash Offer

2278. HK Cash Offer

Hailan Holdings Limited (2278. HK)  VOLUNTARY CONDITIONAL CASH OFFER

Purchase price: HKD 3.36 in cash per share.

The Offer to be made by the Offeror is subject to the only Condition that valid acceptances of the Offer being received (and not, where permitted, withdrawn) by 4:00 p.m. on the Closing Date in respect of such number of Offer Shares which would result in the Offeror holding at least 90% of the Offer Shares with the further proviso that, within that holding, the Offeror would also hold at least 90% of the Disinterested Shares. As at the Latest Practicable Date, the Offer Shares and the Disinterested Shares comprise 75,000,000 Shares in issue. The Condition is not waivable. If the Condition cannot be fulfilled by the Closing Date, the Offer will lapse. As at the Latest Practicable Date, the Condition has not been satisfied. The Offeror will issue an announcement in relation to the revision, extension or lapse of the Offer or the fulfilment of the Condition in accordance with the Takeovers Code and the Listing Rules.

If you accept the corporate action, please fill in the following information before 4 pm on 29 JUNE 2023, and forward it to cs@futuhk.com by registered email to submit your application.

1. FutuBull ID –
2. Name – (Name in Chinese or English)
3. Stock code – 2278. HK 
4. Accepted corporate action shares – (fill in the number of shares applying for corporate action) [This corporate action does not accept additional applications]

Corporate action application fee: 
Corporate action handling fee HKD 0.80 per board lot
Handling fee: HKD 1.00 per board lot (Minimum HKD 30)
Stamp duty fee: 0.13% per transaction amount

Transaction Settlement Date: After the market close on 27 JUNE 2023 (Stocks purchased after this date will not be accepted for corporate action applications)

Deadline for corporate action on 29 JUNE 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

1. If you do not receive an email reply before the deadline, you will automatically be deemed to have given up this corporate action
2. This corporate action does not accept additional applications, the maximum number of applications that a client can apply for does not exceed the number of eligible shares it holds.
3. Please reserve enough funds to pay the handling fee, otherwise, it will be deemed as a waiver
4. If you fill in the wrong application information, you need to resend the email to submit the application
5. Listed and sold stocks cannot apply for corporate action
6. Once a corporate action is applied, it cannot be withdrawn
7. In case of any changes, the announcement of the listed company shall prevail 

Company action announcement: 

Corporate Action Encyclopedia: https://support.futuhk.com/topic186