
Trade Hong Kong ETFs Commission-Free for Life

Spread out investments and minimize risk

Ride the market without picking stocks

Enjoy potential profits without continuous monitoring

Diversify your portfolio with abundant choices

Empower Your Portfolio with ETFs

Discover Your Desired ETFs

Customize your selection with regions, asset classes, and investment directions

Gain Clarity on Your Holdings

Access structured information on ETF portfolios and holdings

Stay Ahead of Market Trends

Gain insight into market sentiments and future developments with instant news and short sale data

Look Back at Dividend History

Maximize your investment gains with high-yield ETFs

A Wide Range of Investment Products

ETFs that aim to track particular stock indices and industries to achieve investment returns. Among all the types of ETFs, stock and index ETFs are the largest and most varied type of ETF available. Investors can invest in major indices such as S&P 500, NASDAQ, and Hang Seng Index.

HK Trade Heat List
US Trade Heat List

*Top Gainers of Stock and Index ETFs (Ranked by Daily Gains)

Open an Account and Get Rewarded Today

*Offers are subject to terms and conditions.

The Largest Tech Broker in HK


HK stock trading app by downloads


Total number of users


Total client assets


Total annual trading volume

Data source*:
Futu Q2 2024 Financial Results as of 30th June 2024, while the total annual trading volume data is from Futu's 2023 full-year financial results.

Safeguard Your Investment Journey

Client's funds is held separately from our own funds in custodian banks
Proprietary risk control system
Iterative computing and incremental development capabilities

Account Protection

Hong Kong Investor Compensation Fund (ICF)
A maximum compensation of HK$500,000

Funds Protection

Proprietary "Futu Panshi" information security system, obtained ISO27001 information security certification, comprehensively protecting accounts and privacy

Security and Privacy

Other Questions

What is an ETF?

ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fund, an investment product that trades on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's spot market. It invests in a basket of securities or commodities to follow benchmark indices/commodity performances, allowing investors to invest in particular markets/investment portfolios instead of individual stocks. By investing in ETFs in the Hong Kong market, investors can bypass geographical barriers and investment channel restrictions, invest in different asset classes globally, achieve diversified investment portfolios, and benefit from cost-effectiveness.

Is there a management fee for investing in ETFs?

Yes, ETFs charge a management fee that is usually collected annually in the form of a total expense ratio (TER). Like other mutual funds, ETF management fees are calculated and accrued daily based on the ETF's net asset value (NAV) and are automatically deducted from the ETF's assets. Generally, ETFs have lower fees than mutual funds.

How are my orders processed if an ETF is delisted?

If an ETF is delisted, any unfulfilled subscription orders for the ETF will be cancelled and considered invalid. The funds deducted from the subscription (including subscription amount and fees) will be returned to your account within one trading day after the delisting.


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This page is not and should not be regarded as an offer, solicitation, invitation, or recommendation to buy or sell any investment products or the basis for investment decisions, nor should it be construed as professional advice. People who read this page or before making any investment decisions should fully understand the risks and the characteristics and consequences of relevant laws, taxes, and accounting, decide whether the investment is in accordance with their individual financial situations and investment goals and whether they can endure relevant risks based on their personal circumstances, and seek appropriate professional advice when necessary.