Trading Rules
U.S. stock market trading sessions
Pre-market and after-hours trading quote update period
Do U.S. stocks support day trade
Is there a limit on price fluctuations for US stocks
Minimum trading unit for U.S. stocks
What is off market orders
Why the sell order price of U.S. stocks is lower than the best ask price, but can not be traded
What is the settlement rule for U.S. stocks
Extended trading risks
Other Notes on Placing US Stock Orders
What is penny stock
US Stock MV and P/L Calculation
Why use pre and post-market prices to calculate the market capitalization and profits and losses of stocks during respective period
Why my stock is banned from trading during pre-market trading session
Arrangement for delay or failure of trading system
Why should the placement of market orders be restricted
Withholding Tax on Publicly Traded Partnerships (PTP) Securities and Trading Arrangements
U.S. market overnight trading
Risk and Important Information relating to Trading in Over-the-counter ("OTC") Securities or Derivatives
US Stock Moving to T+1 Settlement
Order Type
US Stock Option
US Index Option
Stock Yield Program
Fractional shares trading in the US stock market
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Under the U.S. stock market trading system, most of the transactions are conducted through specialized dealers and market makers. They are only required to notify the public within 90 seconds after each deal is made. In this case, the information we see is delayed on all real-time market systems.
In the U.S. stock market, the unit for buying/selling shares is one. However, in order to reduce the transaction cost and lower the risk for stock holding, dealers and stockholders will trade in unit of 100. In this understanding the unspecified one 「lot」is 100 shares. If the investors place orders not in multiples of 100, they may need to wait a while.
The pool for stock shorting may out of stock when the short orders are placed, however, the order will not be rejected immediately. If the pool has incoming stocks with proper price, the order will be executed later, if the pool does not have any incoming stocks by the end of the day or the incoming stocks price is out of range, the order will be withdrawn.