[HK Market] The Hong Kong Stock Exchange releases its margin requirements for each futures contract/Hong Kong index options contract on its official website every day.
Detailed margin requirements for futures can be downloaded via the link: https://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/market/rm/rm_dcrm/riskdata/margin_hkcc/HKCC_Margin_Levels_Chi.xlsx
The margin requirements for Hong Kong index options can be viewed via the link (for reference only): https://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/market/rm/rm_dcrm/riskdata/margin_hkcc/merte_hkcc.htm #HKE
[US Market] The CME Group releases its margin requirements for each futures contract on its official website. You can log in to its official website and find the margin requirements by entering a contract code via the link: https://www.cmegroup.com/markets/products.html# sortAsc&sortField
[SG Market] The Singapore Exchange Limited releases its margin requirements for each futures contract on its official website. You can download the Margin Schedule form via the link: https://www.sgx.com/derivatives/risk-management
[Japanese market] The Japan Exchange Group releases its margin requirements for each futures contract on its official website. You can find the margin requirements via the link: https://www.jpx.co.jp/jscc/en/cash/futures/ marginsystem/span_data.html
1) Futu has the right to adjust its margin requirements for risk control reasons.
2) Margin relief is available for cryptocurrency futures from Monday's market open to Friday 18:00 (Hong Kong Time). However, for risk control reasons, margin relief will gradually become unavailable between 18:00 to 24:00 (Hong Kong Time) on Friday. Margin relief is not applicable during the period from Saturday 00:00 to market open on next Monday.
The above information is given for your reference in making capital arrangements.