Common Scenarios
How to build a strategy as a newbie
How to Use Global Variables
How to recover the original strategies
How to handle exceptions in strategy running
How to identify the problems in a strategy
How to use the trigger symbol
How to Set Trigger Conditions to Run a Strategy
Running Order of Conditions Cards & Operations Cards
How to Determine Buying Power
How to Open and Close Positions
How to avoid repeated opening of positions
How to set price alerts with custom indicators
How to trade options with Algo
Catch exceptions to improve your strategies
Card Description
If a signal continuously meets the condition, the strategy may repeatedly execute the ”Place Order Card” .
How to ensure the strategy buys or sells only once when the signal meets the condition? Here are the two simplest methods.
Method 1: Determine positions
If the strategy places a type of order that can be filled quickly (e.g., a market order), then you can indirectly determine whether a position has been opened or closed successfully through the underlying stocks you are holding.
● If the number of underlying stocks you are holding is > 0, then the position has been opened successfully, and the path to close positions will run;
● If the number of underlying stocks you are holding is 0, then the position has been closed successfully or has not been opened, and the path to open positions will run;
Note: This method requires that the order must be filled quickly; otherwise repeated orders may still be placed.
Method 2: Use a counter
If the strategy places a type of order that may not be filled quickly (e.g., a limit order), you can create a value global variable as a counter to indicate whether an order has been placed.
Step 1: Go to “Start Card" > Properties > Global Variables, and create a counter named "a" to indicate whether a buy/sell order has been placed.
● If a buy order has been placed and has held position , it will be represented by 1;
● If no order has been placed and no position is held, it will be represented by 0;
According to the above rules, the value of the global variable "a" is 0 by default (indicating that no order has been placed and no position is held).
Step 2: Determine the global variable "a" and the number of holdings first when the strategy starts to run:
● If "a" = 0, and the number of holdings = 0, it means that no order has been placed and no position is held, and the path to open positions will run;
● If "a" = 1, and the number of holdings > 0, it means that a buy order has been placed and there are positions held (the buy order has been filled), and the path to close positions will run;
Step 3: Add an ”Value Assignment Card” after the ”Place Order Card” , and re-assign value to the global variable "a":
● Path to close positions: re-assign 0 to the global variable "a" to indicate a sell order has been placed.
● Path to open positions: re-assign 1 to the global variable "a" to indicate a buy order has been placed.